Incoming Students - Syllabus


1st year
1° Semester General Management Basic English Learning Strategies Globalization and National Reality
Behavioral Skills Reading and Writing Pre Calculus
2° Semester Calculus I General Accounting Ecology and Enviroment Statistics and Probabilities Intermediate English I
Communication and Literature I Critical Thinking
2nd year
3° Semester Biology Calculus II General Economics Physics I Intermediate English II
Communication and Literature II Chemistry I
4° Semester Advanced Calculus Ingineering Design Physics II Intermediate English III Meteorology and Climatology
Chemistry II Organizational Theory
3rd year
5° Semester Budget and Costs Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Inferential Statistics
Financial Management Organic and Environmental Chemistry Sociology
6° Semester Environmental law Philosophy and Ethics Environmental Hydrology Materials Engineering
Investigation methodology Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering
Geographic Information System
4th year
7° Semester Design and Evaluation of Projects Business Process Engineering Human Resource Management
Territorial Planning Strategic Planning Sewage treatment
8° Semester Entrepreneurship Environmental impact evaluation Watershed Management
Monitoring and Management of Atmospheric and Acoustical Quality
Optimization of Industrial Processes Formation Elective
5th year
9° Semester Monitoring and Management of Water and Soil Quality Environmental Business
Resolution of Social and Environmental Conflicts Seminar on Management Skills
Thesis Work I Specialty Elective I Specialty Elective II
10° Semester Energy Management, Hydrocarbons and Mining Solid Waste Management
Industrial Safety and Risk Prevention Specialty Elective III Specialty Elective IV Thesis Work I

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