Incoming Students - Features


Environmental Management Engineering


  • Public and private entities in areas of planning, design or environmental audit. As an individual consultant or as part of multidisciplinary teams to develop and implement environmental management plans in industries.
  • As a consultant to international organizations responsible for channeling foreign investment in environmental projects around the conservation of biodiversity and mitigation of pollution by emission of greenhouse gases and their impact on climate change.
  • As a promoter of innovation in science and clean, both public and private companies in areas of environmental services, eco-business and bio technologies.
  • Manager of his own consulting service on environmental issues.

The graduate will be prepared to implement modern technology management tools in planning and sustainable development of protection programs, environmental monitoring and natural resources. He or she will have a solid foundation in the prevention and control of environmental pollution problems, with a comprehensive approach that understands the environmental conditions for the selection of environmental solutions.

The graduate is ready to formulate and manage environmental projects at enterprises and community level with economic and social viability, responding to the demands of the public and private sectors, as part of a fast country growth with urgency to achieve global environmental standards.

In addition, he or she will promote business and services that are environmentally friendly and sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

  • Analyze production and service systems to identify the critical points of environmental control and propose clean technologies and eco-efficient practices.
  • Ensure that the activities of industries, especially mining, are developed respecting biodiversity and the social environment.
  • Promote the development of eco-businesses and rational use of resources generating added-value products and sustainable economic activities.
  • Promote environmental quality through proper management and treatment of liquid, gaseous and solid waste.
  • Provide recommendations on processes of wastewater treatment with minimal environmental impact.
  • Investigate and propose alternative renewable energy generation.
  • Analyze environmental problems and formulate projects that include quality components, occupational health and social responsibility.
  • Participate in multidisciplinary teams in search of solutions to environmental conflicts from knowledge of regulations and environmental legislation.
  • Participate in multidisciplinary teams to the promotion of international trade in goods variety of biodiversity, with added value.

Environmental Management Engineering

1st year
1° Semester General Management Basic English Learning Strategies Globalization and National Reality
Behavioral Skills Reading and Writing Pre Calculus
2° Semester Calculus I General Accounting Ecology and Enviroment Statistics and Probabilities Intermediate English I
Communication and Literature I Critical Thinking
2nd year
3° Semester Biology Calculus II General Economics Physics I Intermediate English II
Communication and Literature II Chemistry I
4° Semester Advanced Calculus Ingineering Design Physics II Intermediate English III Meteorology and Climatology
Chemistry II Organizational Theory
3rd year
5° Semester Budget and Costs Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Inferential Statistics
Financial Management Organic and Environmental Chemistry Sociology
6° Semester Environmental law Philosophy and Ethics Environmental Hydrology Materials Engineering
Investigation methodology Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering
Geographic Information System
4th year
7° Semester Design and Evaluation of Projects Business Process Engineering Human Resource Management
Territorial Planning Strategic Planning Sewage treatment
8° Semester Entrepreneurship Environmental impact evaluation Watershed Management
Monitoring and Management of Atmospheric and Acoustical Quality
Optimization of Industrial Processes Formation Elective
5th year
9° Semester Monitoring and Management of Water and Soil Quality Environmental Business
Resolution of Social and Environmental Conflicts Seminar on Management Skills
Thesis Work I Specialty Elective I Specialty Elective II
10° Semester Energy Management, Hydrocarbons and Mining Solid Waste Management
Industrial Safety and Risk Prevention Specialty Elective III Specialty Elective IV Thesis Work I

“The growth of the Peruvian economy, the signing of international treaties and the development of extractive and manufacturing activities is forcing Peruvian companies to comply with regulations on environmental preservation.

Years ago, this aspect was seen by companies as an expenditure, but nowadays this vision has been reversed due to new proposals of professionals specialized in Engineering Environmental Management, who pose new approaches that allow companies to apply techniques to convert what was considered an expense in an investment that generates economic, financial, and social benefits.

For these reasons, our university considers appropriate to offer the Engineering and Environmental Management career to propose solutions to the Peruvian company.

The professional who graduates from ESAN University is in condition to contribute with proposals that preserve the environment, having the opportunity to work with private mining or manufacturing companies, regulatory or supervisory government agencies in the field of consulting or developing research on environmental management”.

Javier Del Carpio Gallegos, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of ESAN University

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