Incoming Students - Features


Management and Marketing


  • Marketing and Sales Management
  • Commercial Investigation
  • Management of Key Clients
  • Communications and Corporate Relations
  • Advertising Analysis and Strategic Planning
  • Brand Management and Trade- marketing
  • Research and Consultancy
Professionals will have a wide range of opportunities for professional development because of the highly specialized content of the program in Marketing, supported on a solid foundation of management. Their participation will be required in companies engaged in the production and marketing of both goods and services in the retail and industry areas within the public and private sectors, locally and internationally.

“Throughout its career, ESAN has been always characterized by the excellence of its master programs and specialization programs. Now that we are a university, we want to educate integral professionals that incorporate into their businesses a human, social and country-focused view. Therefore, our Administration and Marketing career is focused so that the student can, from their first semesters and learning from specialists, get an insight on how to develop businesses, identifying needs and translating them into products and /or services. Professionals in Marketing from the ESAN University will be a major part of the companies because he/she will combine and materialize the needs of the target audience with the product and /or service, and the company will always want their products to be needed”.

Jorge Cortez Cumpa, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science

Graduates in Management and Marketing from ESAN University will be managers with strategic, creative and executive vision of the markets, marketing and commercial management. They will adapt to local and international environments. They will contribute to create value for the companies’ customers by identifying and building comparative advantages for their products and /or services, closing business deals and by leading the teams in the commercial aspects.

Abilities acquired by the graduates:
  • Design, implement and analyze markets with strategic vision, identifying needs and potential consumers, who represent business opportunities.
  • Generate differentiation, preference and loyalty of consumers to a brand.
  • Quantify the profitability of its management.
  • Optimize business management through strategic planning and innovative decision making.
  • Execute actions and direct sales teams.
  • Design and manage distribution channels and outlets.
  • Design and manage selling arrangements associated with new environments.
  • Build product positioning.

Management and Marketing

1st year
1° Semester General Management Basic English Learning Strategies Globalization and National Reality Behavioral Skills
Reading and Writing Pre Calculus
2° Semester Calculus I General Accountingl Statistics and Probabilities Intermediate English I
Communication and Literature I Critical Thinking Organizational Theory
2nd year
3° Semester Calculus II Human Behavior in Organizations Costs and Buget General Economics (Mgmt-Eng-C.Law)
Marketing Fundamentals Intermediate English II Communication and Literature II
4° Semester Consumer Behavior Organizational Design Inferential Statistics Finance I Human Resource Management
Intermediate English III Microeconomics
3rd year
5° Semester Philosophy and Ethics Finance II Formation Elective Operations Research Macroeconomics
Segmentation and Positioning Strategies
6° Semester Distribution canals and strategies Marketing Communications Prices strategies and Costing Corporate Law
Launch Products Projects Management Markets Qualitative Research Research Methodology
4th year
7° Semester Markets Quantitative Research Relational Marketing Research Formulation and Evaluation of Projects
Strategic Planning Managerial Competences Seminar Supply Chain Management
8° Semester Entrepreneurship Global Marketing Operations Management Sales Management
Services and Retail Marketing Business Inteligence Applied
5th year
9° Semester Specialty Elective I Specialty Elective II E-Marketing International Business Management
Industrial and Sectoral Marketing Negotiation and Sales techniques Thesis Work I
10° Semester Branding Strategic Marketing Direction Specialty Elective III Specialty Elective IV Markstrat
Thesis Work II

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