Exchange students coming to live in Lima should consider spending approximately US$ 800 to US$ 1000 dollars per month (including housing rental).
ESAN University provides exchange students with a list of pre-selected homes nearby our institution. Students can contact the name listed in our link directly.
Depending on the type of facility chosen, the cost of rent may vary from:
- US$160 to US$230 per month if living with a local family
- US$250 to US$400 if renting an apartment
Daily costs are approximately at the university cafeteria:
- Breakfast US$4.00
- Lunch US$3.00 -US$5.00
- Snacks, sandwiches US$2.00
Local Transport
Lima has a wide variety of public transport and its cost is rather inexpensive. Traveling by bus or colectivo may amount to S/. 1.00 (1 Nuevo sol) per trip depending on the distances to be traveled.
There is usually lighter traffic except during rush hours (7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.).
In addition taxi services are widely offered also at very convenient prices.
Other expenses
Among these, laundry, newspapers, photocopying and other minor personal expenses should also be considered, amounting to approximately US$100 per month.
Exchange Rate aprox: 1 Euro = 3,86 Nuevos Soles / 1.00 US = 3.94 Nuevos Soles